Nova Igra :
Battalion 1944
Battalion 1944
Opis : Kako sam autor kaze. Ovo je nova igra na temu WW2, pravljena od strane fanova CoD2.
Koliko sam mogao da saznam, u pitanju relativno mlad studio, pun ambicioynih umetnika i programera, koji su mladi i koji znaju svoj posao.
Igra je jos uvek u razvoju, i kao sto vidite koriste motion capture uredjaje kako bi preneli realne pokrete iz života na igru. Trude se da igra bude sto realnija. Namenjena je Xbox , PC i PS4 korisnicima. tako da ce za PC biti dostupan preko Stema. Cena jos nije poznata. Ali samim tim, ako se donira 14 dolara na kickstarter, možeš da postanes Alfa i Beta tester a i dobijes CD'KAY, što je super.
Igra ce da ima kampanje , ali ce da ima i takmičarski deo (war) koji ce da se vrši preko njihovih servera i bice uvezan preko Steam accounta.
Evo malo kako izgleda:
Mocicete da skrabate po svojoj puski, kao i da modifikujete svoju odecu
I'm Joe Brammer. I'm the executive producer on Battalion 1944. I posted on here (na Cybergamer) around a month ago, asking what your opinions were on a Call of Duty 2 remake.
I wanted to personally come to the CyberGamer forums to answer any questions you guys had about Battalion 1944 and to let you know the following;
Bulkhead Interactive fully intend to support the previous Call of Duty 2 community. I think its safe to say, that game was one of the best of its genre and will be very hard to beat or top. We have no intentions of 'beating' COD2, we'd just like to give it a makeover and revitalize it.
We play an hour of COD2 at lunch every day. We love this game and I can clearly see from these forums that the players on here that have hung on to this game for so long are passionate about it too.
I wanted to let you guys know that we're trying to build a game WITH the community. It's clear on these forums that the FPS genre has people who really care about the decisions developers make when designing a game. We'd like you to join our forums at and give us as much feedback as you possibly can. We want to make this game with the community, we're calling our process "Community Driven Development". Live streaming design meetings, frequent testing sessions, and open discussions with the community about how we can improve Battalion.
Ko želi da sazna više, može da pročita članak na cybergamer websajtu, gde producent Joe lično odgovara na svačija pitanja.
Ili da poseti Kikstarter, gde su ljudi pokrenuli kampanju za donacije, i time postanete beta testeri, ili kupite unapred kay (koji treba da je skuplji nego minimalna donacija ) Tako da je super ponuda za onog ko je zainteresovan.