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Started by k1t k4t, February 15, 2010, 11:19:45 AM

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k1t k4t

E owako neko mi je promenio password na xfire......a na gmail mi nista nije stiglo da sam promenio password.....sta da radim?????????? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


k1t k4t


Sta da radis . pa klikni tamo de pise da si zaboravio sifru . i stigne ti odma mail da mozes da je resetujes u  neku drugu . mislim prosta stvar

k1t k4t

Quote from: |KingSerbia|Alek on February 15, 2010, 06:03:24 PM
Sta da radis . pa klikni tamo de pise da si zaboravio sifru . i stigne ti odma mail da mozes da je resetujes u  neku drugu . mislim prosta stvar
nije....vec sam to radio...:(


Zanimljiva Diskusija ... kako to kod tebe nece kod mene oce . :hmm

k1t k4t

Quote from: |KingSerbia|Alek on February 15, 2010, 11:24:10 PM
Zanimljiva Diskusija ... kako to kod tebe nece kod mene oce . :hmm
E pa to i mene zanima......


da se promeni sifra na xfire mora da taj haker zna sifru za e mail inbox


meni se ista stvar dogodila...nekoliko dana ljusha i rexona su mi pritili da ce mi haxat xf sto ce i desilo.Ja sam sa ljushom popricao i vratili su mi , al druga je stvar ako ti znas ko ti je haxa a druga ako ne


KIT KAT . zaboravi na stari profil .. i novi kad napravis menjaj mu chesce pasword . ;D to ti je kao fazon na msn -u .. lako ti provale .. zato treba menjat ;) ..


Proveri da li ti je email sa novom sifrom mozda otisao u Spam folder. Ako sumnjas da ti neko koristi gmail nalog, u donjem delu imas opciju detail koja prikazuje poslednje ip adrese sa kojih je pritupljno nalogu.

Postoji mogcnost da ti je sistem zarazen virusima, trojancima, keylogerima... U ovom slucaju najbolje resenje je format C: i instalacija cistog sistema.

Promeni gmail password.

Posalji email sa objasnjenjem da ti je nalog ukraden na sa svim podacima koji su upisani u tvom xfire nalogu. Najbitnije je da napises tacan Username i da im pises sa emaila sa kog si registrovao xfire nalog. Uz malo srece dobices nazad svoj nalog :)


Par korisnih saveta za sve. Preuzeto sa xfire foruma.

Account Security and "hacking" problems
Just a little guide to improve security of your account.
Feel free to add important things, but pls stay away from
flames and spam-posts, i consider that topic way too serious
for that, hope you agree.

A. Introduction

Bad news first: 99% of all "hacks" did not happen. A hack is a
manipulation of xfire's databank from a non-xfire employee, and if
I'm right this hasn't happened. So the problem is
wrong behaviour of the "hacked" users. Sad, but true. The
following things should be normal and I hope I don't tell you
any new facts. I consider the points written in "Italic" are the
most important and until now responsible for almost every "hack."

B. Password

1. Never ever tell ANYONE your password
2. Never ever forget Rule No.1
3. choose a "good" password
4. Don't use your password anywhere else, like in teamspeak, ventrilo, or forums.
5. You password must not be found in any dictionary
6. Want to check whether your password is good or weak:

7. Cant find a safe password? Create one here:

More than 6 out of 10 passwords are weak! Think about it,
then think again and then change your password.
(p.s.: hax0r, pwnage, imyourdaddy are not good passwords)

8. See rule 4.

C. Basic Behaviour

1. Dont trust anyone you don't know.
2. Noone will ever ask you for your password, not even Xfire.
3. Be paranoid.
4. Be more paranoid.
5. Stay away from account-sharing.
6. Don't visit sites with hacks/bots/cheats, all you will get is viruses, trojans and keyloggers

D. Keylogger

Ok, some evil keyloggers are around, waiting to eat your
account-data. If you think you have a keylogger:

1. Run a virusscanner which is known to be good. If you don't want to, or can't install one try this:

2. Never accept ANY file-transfer in ICQ, IRC, msn, xfire if you don't know the person sending it, or don't know them well.
3. Maybe you can get rid of a keylogger with this:

E. Summary

As said before, most "i have been hacked"-problems are caused
by users that are full of trust to the wrong people and
full of foolishness.
If anyone ask your something about your account data, keep
your mouth shut. If necessary try to change your login-data
or password. Make sure you have a good password and a clean
computer, not infected with keyloggers. Do whatever you can do
to increase the security of your account. No matter how much effort
this is, its way less than having your account stolen and contact xfire to hope they can restore it..


tah haker koji ti je promejnio sifru primenio je i email....